The Best of the Gold Country: A Complete, Witty and Remarkably Useful Guide to California's Sierra Foothills and Historic Sacramento.
by Betty Woo Martin, Don Martin
PB, 239 pages, List: $ Price: $11.95

California Gold Country in a Nutshell
by Leslie & Ben
Map, List: $5.95— Price: $5.95

California’s Gold Rush Country: A Guide to the Best of the Mother Lode
by Barbara Braasch
PB, List: $14.95— Price: $13.45

Complete Gold Country Guidebook
by Baljeet Sangwan
PB, List: $9.95— Price: $9.95

Early Mining Days - California Gold Country: The Story Behind the Scenery
by Stanley W. Paher
PB, Amazon Price: $7.95 (currently on back order)

Golden Hills of California, vol. II
by Allan Masri
PB, List: $ Price: $7.95 + $1.35 special surcharge.

Historic Inns of California's Gold Country Cookbook and Guide
by Joyce C. Mandeville
PB, List: $12.95— Price: $12.95

Historic Sites of the California Mother Lode
by Gil Richards
PB, 104 pages.,List: $12.95— Price: $12.95

Inns & Wineries of California's Gold Country Cookbook & Guide
by Susen E. Foster
PB, 112 pages, List: $14.95— Price: $14.95

The Mother Lode : A Celebration of California's Gold Country
by Charles Moore
PB, 132 pages, List $18.95— price $17.05

Northern California Gold Country : The Yuba Feather & Bear Rivers
by Marjorie B. Giles, David N. Giles (Illustrator)
2nd edition (May 1, 2000), PB, Amazon Price: $24.95

The Pelican Guide to Sacramento and the Gold Country
by Faren Bachelis
PB, 280 pages, List $12.95— Price: $12.95

Travelers Guide to Pioneer Jewish Cemeteries of the California Gold Rush
by Susan Morris
PB, List $12.95— Price: $12.95