The Odd Fellows and Masons Hall

The Odd Fellows and Masons Hall was the town’s first two-story building and is one of the oldest extant building in San Andreas. The brick structure was built in 1856; it managed to survive the fire of 1858 by closing its iron shutters and letting the fire burn by. The meeting hall was located upstairs while a general provision store operated from the main floor. The basement housed a billiard parlor and saloon. The building was originally constructed by the San Andreas Lodge, F.& A. M., who later shared it with the Calaveras Lodge, I.O.O.F., which was organized in 1865. The main floor was used as an armory during the Civil War by the Union Guards. The building was purchased by the County of Calaveras in 1900. It is located at 22 N. Main.

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